It's a date!

First scan! I was very pleased to be told precisely how much water to drink beforehand. (I hate showing up at the doctor's/lab and being told to produce a sample - why not tell me before? Since I now visit the loo ten times a day, I rarely leave home without making sure there are NO samples left in me. At our first doctor's appointment, R & I hung out by the water cooler, giggling over how long it was taking. Happy times.)

In Toronto, it seems the policy is to do a dating scan as soon as possible, even if you've a fairly predictable body schedule. I wasn't in the same country as R for more than a month before I got pregnant, so I'd say I can date this pretty accurately... but I wasn't going to turn down a chance to see Rajhma - which is what we're calling the nugget in week 8, as it's the approximate size and shape of a kidney bean.

Either the scanning equipment's great, or Rajhma is one of those page 3 types, because we didn't need an internal scan to get some great photos - a trans-abdominal one showed the sonographer everything she needed to see right away. Unlike the movies where they say it's all blurry and indistinct, we could clearly make out a head, a body, and little arms & legs - we could even see the heartbeat pumping away. A huge beam split R's face - he's so excited, it's the cutest. I think it all seems more real to him now, he's started keeping closer tabs of my folic acid pills all of a sudden.

This week's symptoms (and I hear this is atypical): I'm still very rarely nauseous, and have managed not to throw up at all (that one time I drank my water too fast probably doesn't count). I haven't been dizzy. I can still comfortably do 2km a day. So all in all, this pregnancy's still been an absolute charmer. My only complaints are:

* Not being able to taste anything. R assures me I'm cooking fantastic stuff, so this is kind of sad.

* Craving sweets, chocolate cake in particular. This is the one thing I seem to be able to taste. I tried staving Rajhma off with blueberries & mangos, but caved and made a one-serving cake immediately afterwards.

* Complete inability to concentrate on any book. This is bumming me out, because I tear through at least 5 a week.  

Don't hate me yet. I'll probably have to pay for this in the third trimester, or in labour, or with impossible sleep training or something.

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