Week 25: Blow-ups (The Belly Kind & Otherwise)

I was freaking out a little about my next weigh-in because I'd lost a tiny bit of weight at my last appointment... but I just noticed my belly button's now an outie!! I know this isn't the least attractive bodily quirk I'll go through during this whole pregnancy + labour thing, but it's freaking me out! On the bright side, I figure I must have put on weight if it ballooned itself out like that :) Almost in time for the last trimester, and about time too. 

As for how I put it on - well, it was my birthday. There was cake. Also, there was shifting to our own house (finally!). And as a result of that + shopping to set it up + running errands for it in general, there hasn't been any time to go for my daily walk. I walk plenty, just not in my trainers. Technically this house is big enough to do laps in by itself. We mostly use just one wing and ignore the other. That's got to come in handy when we have our parents over post-baby though. It's much quieter out here. The baby seems to move around a lot more when we're near A's parents' place, where there's more hustle and bustle.

This week's been a bit exhausting, and I've been very impressed with myself for not crashing. I've been working hard, staying up late, waking up early, doing a lot of cleaning up, and I even put aside pregnancy brain long enough to stay up till 2am, go out with friends the next day, and win at cards! (I don't even like cards, this is only the second time I've ever played - and the second time I won too! You'd think I'd like it more).

Mostly though, it's been exhausting because of the shifting thing. That always seems to come with drama; mostly because my husband and I have very different personality types. We had a bit of a blow-up, which pissed me off because it happened on my birthday. And not just any birthday, but my last one with just us. Not to mention my 28th, on the 28th, making it a silver or a gold birthday or whatever. Anyway, I don't usually hold out for big gifts or extravagant gestures, but I do kind of like my world to be nicer to me than usual. So it really annoyed me that he not just shouted at me, but stalked off in the middle of the road, saying I could take care of stuff on my own. Quite apart from it being my birthday etc, what happened to being protective because I'm pregnant?? Sometimes I think I'm too low maintenance about this being pregnant thing (last week, he asked if I wanted to go out for drinks... he'd literally forgotten I was carrying his child).

It wasn't the worst fight we've ever had, and it was stupid because we invariably have a bit of a grumpy shout whenever we move. Plus, objectively speaking, he was right to be mad because I had ditzed out. So it's not a big deal at all, except for the timing of it. It made it super awkward when people called up and asked what we were doing to celebrate, because typically, he whisks me away somewhere and does something really special, so they get a Nicholas Sparks worthy story when they ask. 

He did take me out for a really really nice dinner overlooking a lake, and that was lovely. But it was not the best birthday I've ever had, and it's not one I'm likely to forget, even if I do forgive him. Aaaand that's week 25. This week also marks four years since we officially got the go-ahead to get married from both our families :) Egos and yelling aside, I wouldn't change it for the world.

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