Week 19: Home Alone(ish)

This has been a quiet week. A's in Bangalore, and I've stayed back in Hyderabad. Getting on a night train four times in three weeks just seemed like too much... especially with the anomaly scan coming up. We haven't had a scan since week 13, so I'm (irrationally) anxious not to jinx it. He went and visited my parents and reassured me that all's well with my mum - or as well as can be. Fingers crossed.

I've been staying with the in-laws, who really do pamper me. I roll out of bed and am greeted with nuts and milk. Three huge meals follow, interspersed with lots of lovely treats. They spoil their grandchild more than I would - chocolate and sweets galore are passed on through me! The baby loves it, of course. It shoots around my stomach like a character out of Pacman afterwards. Ah, sugar highs. Always amusing.

In some ways, their home's really familiar. We moved a lot of our furniture there when we shifted to Toronto, so we now get to use 'our' dining table, or sleep in 'our' bed, albeit in a different house. 

Every time I sit in their hall, I smile at a very unusual center table. A & I bought it when I wanted us to have floor-level seating in our living room, and it's the single most expensive piece of furniture I've ever invested in. It's not even particularly practical (well, unless you're playing poker), but my God, it looked gorgeous in our house. Needless to say, the in-laws use it as a coffee table and sit on sensible couches, but it reminds me of the first ever house A & I set up.

For the last couple of days, the in-laws have both stayed home from work so that I 'don't get bored.' This is really sweet of them. I've been feeling a bit guilty because I've been on a writing spree where the world kind of shuts down around me. Hurrah for the mythical second trimester burst of energy, it finally seems to have set in!

... Mind you, it usually only arrives midway through the day. I've been waking up rather reluctantly. I go to bed at 10 and wait optimistically. I'm usually awake at 1, 3, 5, and 6. When the alarm goes off at 7:30, I want to throttle it. I don't do afternoon naps, so it's a pain when I don't sleep well in the night. I think the frequent wake-ups are because I'm wary about sleeping on my back. I start off on my left side, as prescribed, and wake up every so often to check if I'm still on my side. Oh well, if I get used to this routine, I'm sure I'll find it easier to wake up and feed the baby when I have to!

I've started venturing out on walks this week. I used to walk at least 3-4km in Toronto every day, but I haven't gone out too much since I moved to Hyderabad. That's mostly because we've been staying at the in-laws' place - I don't know the area too well, there's a TON of traffic (even for India!), no pavements, and, I hear, sidey guys. I compromised by going out before the sun sets, and wearing very conservative clothes. I can't say I enjoy the walks very much, but I'm happy to be out and about. The leg cramps I occasionally woke up to have disappeared.  
Next week, we'll hit the half-way mark! I look down at my stomach and wonder if it will double by the time we're through. I can't wait :)
Mother's Always Right


  1. Sounds like you're being well looked after, gotta love in-laws! Mine are the same when we go up there - it's constant cups of tea and they don't let me lift a finger, which is rather lovely! Totally relate to the sleep thing. Wish I could say it gets better but I didn't find that to be the case - if it wasn't waking up with an uncomfortable side it'd be needing the toilet or the baby kicking. Have you got a maternity pillow? Some people say they're a waste of money but, for me, it's been the real difference between no sleep at all and a little bit of sleep. I have a Dream Gennii one that's pretty good and you can use it for nursing too once the baby's born. Thank you for linking up to #BlogBumpClub again!

    1. Aww, having considerate family definitely makes everything better! Thanks for the tip on the maternity pillow, I'll take a look. And thank *you* for hosting! x

  2. Your in laws sound amazing. Enjoy all the attention (It sounds like you already are). Have a lovely rest of weekend.

  3. Glad to hear you have that 2ns trimester energy burst- it seems to have missed me completely this time! Long may it continue for you :) x x x
